Tuesday, January 26, 2010

#90 - The Last Picture Show

Joshua Klein describes The Last Picture Show:

"As a eulogy for the previous gen
eration of master filmmakers (like Howard Hawks or John Ford) as a new generation of youthful pioneers steered filmmaking in a looser, more visceral direction."(pg. 543).

“The Last Picture Show” is described as old-fashioned in a variety of reviews.

However, I think many of the experiences and the feelings of the characters during this quiet but, emotionally strong film are things we can relate to today.

At the start of the film it feels like you have drifted into Anarene, Texas (the setting of this film) with the wind and drift back out when the credits roll.

No major event takes place and the movie is not building up to a major crescendo. Rather, we watch the characters go through several different experiences and make decisions about their present and future.

This picture focuses the majority of it’s time on the young people of Anarene. In particular, we follow the trials and travails of Sonny (Timothy Bottoms) and Duane (Jeff Bridges). We follow them around as they try to find ways to pass the time as high-school graduation approaches.

Like most young males in many a coming of age movie we watch several awkward moments involving the opposite sex, and pining over/competing for the affections of the town beauty. Both get their chance with her and gain valuable wisdom from the experience.

One other very common theme in coming of age or movies focused on young people is losing your virginity. In this movie, the town beauty Jacy Farrow (Cybill Shepherd) is on somewhat of a quest to have sex and with the right guy. It seems that in many movies from Clueless to American Pie both boys and girls are often on a quest to get laid.

The one constant thing going on in this movie is the slow-death of Anarene. The town is slowly dying as people move away to big cities. As this happens, the already deserted-looking main street loses the small-movie house when it’s doors close forever. The closing of the town’s only movie theater leaves the youth of the town with even less to do than before.

Anarene has some of the stereotypical qualities small towns have on the big screen: everyone knows everyone and everything going on in their lives, not having much too do, etc.

Despite the stereotypes, this movie shines above similar small-town coming of age movies in two ways. One, the relationship that develops between Sonny and Ruth Popper (Cloris Leachman).

This is one of the highlights of the film. The scenes between these two characters are so well acted and filled with such strong emotions. Leachman is especially great and won a well deserved Oscar for her acting in this movie.

Another way this picture shines is in its cinematography. Filmed in black and white, you can almost feel the wind and the dust blow across your face.

As we meet all the characters and go to various parts of this small town we truly get a sense of what their lives are like. The town feels claustrophobic, dusty, and desolate. We are given visual evidence of this through the many abandoned storefronts, and the lack of people walking around town.

The look of the film combined with the slow but smooth pace really makes you feel all of the emotions the characters are experiencing such as sadness, feeling stuck, lost, and at times lonely.

“The Last Picture Show” is one of the better movies you can watch about teenagers as they come of age. It is an interesting portrait of a small town and the people who live there. In the end, this movie is elevated above some other similar coming of age and “small town” films because of the performances of the actors. They command your attention and keep you watching till the credits roll.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Part Five: 1001 Movies

No, I haven't seen all of the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. However, I have seen 89 of the films that are listed in this book.

Yeah, I know....doesn't seem like I've seen many movies. I've seen way more movies than 89 movies in my lifetime...just not all them are listed in this book.

Here are the titles of the movies I've seen listed in alphabetical order:

American Beauty
American Graffiti
Blade Runner
Blazing Saddles
The Breakfast Club
Brokeback Mountain
The Butcher Boy
A Christmas Story
A Clockwork Orange
The Departed
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Edward Scissorhands
The Elephant Man
The Empire Strikes Back
The Exorcist
Fahrenheit 9/11
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Fight Club
A Fish Called Wanda
Forrest Gump
The Godfather Part II
The Godfather
Groundhog Day
The Ice Storm
Into the Wild
It's a Wonderful Life
Kill Bill Vol. 1
The Lion King
Little Miss Sunshine
The Lord of the Rings (The Trilogy)
Meet the Parents
Moulin Rouge!
My Fair Lady
My Left Foot
Natural Born Killers
Pan's Labyrinth
Pretty Woman
The Princess Bride
Pulp Fiction
The Queen
The Quiet Man
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Return of the Jedi
The Royal Tenenbaums
Saturday Night Fever
Saving Private Ryan
Say Anything
The Shawshank Redemption
The Silence of the Lambs
Singin' in the Rain
The Sixth Sense
The Snake Pit
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
The Sound of Music
Stand by Me
Star Wars
The Ten Commandments
There will be Blood
This is Spinal Tap
Three Kings
To Kill a Mockingbird
Top Gun
Toy Story
West Side Story
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
The Wizard of Oz
Young Frankenstein

I have only linked a select # of the movies that are listed above....ones that have become favorites of mine or that I really think are worth at least one viewing. That being said I think that with the exception of a few movies all 89 listed above are worth at least one view.

One thing I noticed as I was checking off the movies I've seen is that I have seen none of the movies in this book whose titles start w/ an "H", a "U", a "V", an "X", or a "Z." I found that to be quite interesting.

Well, let the movie watching commence...coming up in the next two entries are reviews/analysis of the movies: The Last Picture Show & Glory.

Part Four: Overview of the Book

In this entry, I have decided to provide everyone with a general overview of the book "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die." I figure it would be good for anyone reading this to know how it's organized and to have some basic knowledge about the source material I am using for this personal challenge.

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is essentially a gigantic movie list put together by a group of various contributors: movie experts, reviewers, journalists, etc. The cover page lists a general editor (Steven Jay Schneider) rather than an author for the book. The book begins with a forward, an introduction, and a film index & checklist (organized in alphabetical order) of all the movies.

The book itself is organized by decade starting with 1900 and ending with 2000. The oldest movie (Le Voyage Dans La Lune - A Trip to the Moon) was shown in 1902 and the most current movie featured in the book (Atonement) came out in 2007.

Each film featured in this book has a list general information (country of origin, director, producer, screenplay, photography, music, cast, and if applicable award info) accompanied by a paragraph (sometimes more) that has been written by one of the contributors of the book about the movie.

They are not strictly reviews of the movie(s) rather these paragraphs or pages provide you with some great information about various aspects of the film and most importantly explains why you should watch the film.

At the end of the book their is a page about the contributors, a genre index, and a directors index. All the different indexes are helpful in finding out if a certain title is featured in the book or not.

This is a really great reference to have if you are a fan of movies or are in a rut and are trying to find some good movies to watch.

Coming up in Part Five I will reveal the # and the titles of the films out of the 1001 Movies featured in the book.

Part Three: The Execution

You know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. Now on to the how.

Julie set up a timeline of a year. I am not going to set up a timeline per say. However, I do plan on aggressively attacking the list of movies in a somewhat thoughtful way.

1.) Netflix - With my subscription to Netflix, I plan on getting the movies that are not on demand or being shown on any of the # of movies channels available to me through digital cable. They don't have everything but, a pretty deep selection so I should be able to get lots of the titles through them.

2.) On Demand - 3 different on demand sections carry movies that are no additional cost to me
  • Free Movies - Spotty at best, only sometimes can I find titles their
  • HBO - Often have some great titles for more recent movies
  • Encore - A mixture of old and new movies
3.) DVR - Through digital cable I get many movie channels and have the capability of DVRing movies that I find on those channels. Besides Netflix, this will likely be my most useful asset in accomplishing my goal.

Now, that I've established where I will get access to the movies, we move on to the order in which I will watch them in.

Basically, I don't plan on setting up a very rigid order to watch the movies in. One reason is that some movies are better to watch at certain times of the year. For example horror/scary movies I will wait and watch in October and Military/War movies I will be waiting till May in honor of Memorial Day or November in honor of Veterans Day to watch.

Secondly, there are different movie marathons/themed months that come along and they may dictate what movies I watch. For example, during February Turner Classic Movies (TCM) has their 31 Days of Oscar. During these 31 days the channel show movies that were either nominated for or won Oscars.

So, this will dictate the films I watch in February and they will not be all the same genre. If I watch a particular marathon/themed movie month, night, week, etc. I will reveal that in my blog entry(s) and post links, info about it.

Lastly, if those three avenues fail me in getting hold of a particular title I shall see if a friend or family member owns whatever title I am looking for or see if my local public library system has any movie I struggle to get a hold of.

So, we have the what, the why, and the how. In Part Four, I shall give an overview of the book I am using and in Part Five I will list the movies I have seen.

Part Two: What is the Point?

You know the what and maybe your wondering why do such a thing? I want to blog about my experience watching all these movies for a few reasons.

1.) I want to remember and be able to record what I thought about each movie when I am done watching it so, if someone asks me about it, perhaps I will better remember what I thought about it.

2.) I want to share w/ other people my love of movies and to hear what they think of the movies I have watched and share their opinions.

3.) It will be a personal challenge as I am not a huge fan of some of the genres in the book (in particular horror) so I will be watching quite a few movies I probably wouldn't have thought of watching before.

This mission, like Julie's will hopefully enrich my life in someway...yes, it's not the same or as challenging as cooking all different kinds of food. But, like attempting to cook all that food interested Julie, watching all these different movies I've never seen or heard of interests me.

You may be wondering how watching tons of movies would enrich someone's life? Truthfully, I'm not sure of how it will either. But, I am willing to take the time to find out and see. All I know is even if it doesn't make me better a person, it probably won't make me any worse of one.

Now you know why....In Part three, I shall discuss how I plan to execute my personal challenge.

Part One: The Mission

Greetings fellow movie watchers, lovers, etc. I love movies and am pretty sure I am a movie junkie. Not only do I love watching movies but, I love discussing them, analyzing them, reading movie magazines/movie lists, etc.

For Christmas, my parents got me the book Movies You Must See Before You Die. It is the 5th anniversary edition.

While I have seen some of the movies, I have decided a la "Julie and Julia" is to watch all the movies listed in the book I haven't seen and blog my review/thoughts on the each movie.

Please Note: If you haven't seen the movie or read the book, the basic concept is that a girl named Julie Powell decided to cook all the recipes in the Julia Child cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking. She blogged about her experiences w/ cooking each dish and about her life somewhat in comparison to Julia Child).

In Part Two, I shall expand on why I have decided to do this.